Block’d Off -
The journey so far
Block’d Off Originally began as a commission from Mountview (Producer Jake Curran-Pipe) for their Catalyst Festival. The production was originally scheduled to be performed at Mountview and then later at the Blue Elepthant Theatre, but was unfortunately cut short by Covid-19 and we had to postpone the stage production. Catalyst went digital and we were given the space to decide how we wanted to adapt the piece to an online format. Instead of chopping up the original script, we decided to make Block’d Off: The Allegories. Details below.
Block’d Off: The Allegories - Early Years
After having feedback from Dramaturgs on the first drafts of the Block’d Off Script, it was apparant that people wanted more of these characters; one in particular was The Mother, who we never get to see in the main script. In Early Years, we peek into a relationship between two people who have lived very different lives, and explore whether the class divide is something that can be overcome. All in a council flat bedroom, reluctantly watching Glee.
Written by
Kieton Saunders-Browne
Directed by Júlia Levai
Produced by Jake Curran-Pipe
Performed by Lousia Binder and Landry Adelard
Contains references to sex, drug use and racism. Strong language.
Block’d Off: The Allegories - Daddy’s Home
In November of 2020, the writer of Block’d Off was able to showcase a shorter version of the next Allegories story at Nothing to Perform’s new writing night. The video below is a 5 minute version of the full 15 minutes that has yet to be released. In Daddy’s Home, The Dealer (SHE) comes home to find her dad has been released from prison, and he has new plans on how to keep their family drug trafficking networks alive through lockdown and the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Written and Directed by
Kieton Saunders-Browne
Performed by Ruth Page and Bruce Panday
Block’d Off - R&D
In the turn of the new year, Block’d Off was able to secure ACE Funding for our Research and Development period of the main production. We were keen to try and work with as many new faces as possible and were lucky enough to have over 180 applications for the week. We hosted a week of workshops which culminated in a Rehearsed Reading for a select public.
The Productions - Edinburgh and London
The show was awarded the Generate Fund by the Pleasance Theatre and it ran for the full month in Edinburgh 2022. Block’d Off then transfered to London for two runs in the subsequent months at Camden People’s Theatre and The Pleasance London. A show written and Directed by Kieton Saunders-Browne, Performed by Camila Segal.